
Monday, December 24, 2007

My Life/ Merry Christmas..

My Grandpa is still holding on. He is out of ICU finally but he still is not doing well. He still has to wear the mask occasionally and it's not the mask that he hates this one is just a regular oxygen mask so that makes it a bit easier. John and I took the kids up there this morning. Now this is the first time that they have been able to see him since he has been in the hospital. You never can prepare someone for a sight like this. They are used to seeing their Grandpa up and about, talking, laughing, I felt really bad because they really did not know what to say. My Grandma was there and she tried waking him up and he just could not open his eyes. I tried, my Mom tried even the nurse took a cold wash cloth to his face and that did not work. Finally after about 15 minutes he woke up and be was so happy to see the kids. He can't talk so good so he kept waving and my favorite was every time he would look at the girls he would wink. He was overjoyed to see them. We brought him his Christmas gifts but he was to weak to open them so the kids got to. My Grandma has his room decorated he even had a small Christmas tree. I told him that Tyler would take over his job at Christmas tonight, which is taking care of all the wrapping paper during presents. It's so sad to see him like this. I watched John face as he looked at him for the first time. He was in shock and so sad, he had just seen my Grandpa Thursday night and he looked nothing like he did today. To me he looked better since I had seen him on Friday near death. Katie and Rich got there just when we were about to leave and they left when we did because she was really having a tough time seeing him like that. My Grandma kept talking about how she was going to home early this afternoon and get everything ready for tonight. Little did she know that when she got home there would not be much for her to do because My Mom and Aunt & the rest of the Grand kids all went over there this morning and set the table, peeled potatoes, we did everything all she has to do is turn things on. John shoveled the driveway and even my kids helped. Steph and Katie of course arrived late but we left them the dishes. Hopefully my Grandma will take a nap now instead of working. My kids are getting so excited about going to Grandma's tonight, the food, the presents but it just will not be the same without Grandpa. My kids have already had alot of gifts, we had Christmas with Johns family on Saturday. We all had a great time and the kids were really happy with all their gifts. So they are spoiled because they will get presents tonight and tomorrow we have our Christmas and then we go to my Mom's for presents. Today is Nanny's birthday, she is a Christmas Eve baby so we are heading over to her house soon for some cake. I hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas...