
Sunday, March 18, 2007

My Life/ My Friend

One of my good friends husband was having bad headaches for about 2 months, one was so bad he ended up going to the emergency room. Where they gave him some type of shot and made the headache go away. I guess they ruled out anything major at that point. Well he was still getting these headaches and he just did not feel right, so he decided to go get a complete physical. Which you know he must feel terrible because most men avoid the doctor as much as possible. Well I guess the doctor was concerned so he made an appointment for a cat scan and a small mass showed up on this picture. Of course they are freaking out. He has to have an MRI tomorrow, to determine the actual size and to figure out what his next move should be. I don't know why maybe it's because I am more aware of things that people have, or it is just that more people are being diagnosed with these things, it just seems like every time I turn around I am hearing about someone having cancer, brain tumors, or other terrible illnesses. I guess when you are younger you don't pay as much attention to these things and the older we get the more we start to pay closer attention because it affects the people we care about most.


Lee said...

I hope everything is okay with your friend, Shelly. It must be a very trying time for him. Keep your chin up and stay positive. :)

p said...

hi shelly,

feel free to add my blog to your directory if you want. thanks for asking and letting me know you enjoy my blog!

PennyBlue said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am a mom of three kids too. You're more than welcome to add me to your directory! And I thank you. It is awful how cancer seems to be so prevalent- esp. as we get older. I have a friend who is going thru a terrible ordeal with it right now. All we can do is pray.....Hope you have a good week and thanks again!

Gennie Catastrophe said...

thanks for telling me that you like my blog! Please do add me to your directory.

Shelly said...

Thanks everyone but you have to add it to the directory because I can't add it for you. Sorry for the inconvience, and I really hope you add them all. Thanks again, Shelly

Gabriela said...

I know what you mean. Sometimes I think it's impossible for cancer not to be involved in your life in some way...

Thanks for commenting on my blog. I like yours as well. =)

Come back anytime.

Arash said...

hi dear Shelly ! thanks for your comment. you're so kindhearted. let me tell u that i can't open your page and i don't know why ? so if you be ok with this we could have link exchange or something. and finally let me tell i wondered about your numerous blogs. you do something really great.

your sincerely
Arash Kh.

Anonymous said...

plus the older I get the more I hear of funerals.