
Friday, February 13, 2009


I watch a lot of movies, and I must say there are not many that touch me and never have I watched a movie that touched me like Fireproof. John and I watched it last night after the kids went to bed and all I can say is Watch it and encourage all you friends to watch it to.. At some point in our lives I don't care how perfect we believe our marriage is , how much we love our spouse there either has or will be a point where we second guess our relationship. Whether it may be temptation, loss of romance or just drifting apart, we all have our days. This is the perfect movie to watch and to see how God really does work in our marriages and in our lives if we just let him in. I cried several times through out the movie, I wont say anymore because I do not want to ruin it for anybody but even John loved it. He said it was probably the best movie he has seen in a very long time. Without embarrassing him lets just say he was very touched. Which in turned touched my heart that something could move him like that. So if you have not already watched it, rent it for Valentines day, you won't regret it!!


Jennifer Witham Buck / Graceful Expressions said...

Hey Shelly, Kevin bought it when it came out on DVD a few days ago, so we watched it again over the weekend. Not a good thing to do when pregnant...I balled.
But I wanted to share my reaction to the movie when we first saw it in the theater with our small group at church... you are so right on.

love ya, have a great weekend!

Lea said...

Hey girl. GOOD for you guys! I'm glad to hear it was such a great show and you both got something out of it. I'm looking forward to seeing it...seems like there's SUCH good reactions so far!! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing the link - but unfortunately it seems to be not working? Does anybody here at have a mirror or another source?
