
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The places she will Pee!

Anyone who knows my kids will know which one I am talking about. My dear little Hailey. Ever since she has been potty trained I have caught her peeing in the woods like the boys, I have even heard from the kids that she will occasionally poop in the woods (gross I know). I seriously don't know where she comes from. She really does not believe in wiping, it drives me crazy. The other morning I come in from taking the kids out to the bus and I go in my bathroom and I see three small terds courtesy of Hailey, the reason I know this is because there was no toilet paper with the terds. Dirty girl, one good thing is she has an obsession about washing her hands after she uses the potty, I guess thats something to be happy about. Any way Friday night my Mom took the kids to the movies and we picked them up from her house around 9:30, we came home and got them all in their pajamas. Soon Mackenzie comes running out of her room with her garbage can in hand screaming Mom look in my garbage can. I had no idea that I would be seeing pee. I could tell that it was fresh pee (the bottom of the can was warm) so I asked Hailey if she knew who peed in it. She responds with Isaac, (poor Isaac he gets blamed for everything), knowing that it was not Isaac I said are you sure it was him because I am going to call his Mom and he will be in trouble. She responded no it was Ashley, I tell her the same thing I said before "are you sure?" After thinking about it and me pretending the dial the phone she broke down and said, "it was me Mom I pee in the garbage please don't be mad" The good news is that she would not let someone else get in trouble for her. But this peeing thing is crazy, honestly who pees in a garbage can when their bathroom is across the hall. ONLY HAILEY.....


Theresa said...


My kids like to poop and pee where the dog goes outside and they miss the toilet occasionally, but nothing like what you have!!!

this is seriously HILARIOUS!!! Thanks for the laugh! I know it isn't meant to be funny...take a picture, one day you will have to tell your Grandkids!!! HAHA

Lisa said...

I am trying not to laugh Shelly but I really can't help myself, that is just so Hailey!! She definitely gives you a run for your money! I just love her and her quirkiness with her bathroom habits!! =)

Kristin said...

I, too, have a non wiper...but I THINK they all use the toilet. Of course, maybe that is what the smell is in my bathroom...that or the boyS aim is bad...

You have to admit, it is a funny story and she was a good girl about making sure the "wrong" person did not get in trouble. Not to worry, both Isaac and Ashley ahve MANY things they DID do wrong, they can get in trouble for something they did not just evens it out a bit:)!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is the same thing we ALL say about Hailey - WOW!! I guess like Andon, she at least has her cute looks going for her! ~HA~
And to think her and Lukas are best friends...DOUBLE WOW!!
Thanks for the laugh!

Heather said...

Oh, the trials and tribulations. I was under the misconception that little boys had a fondness of peeing in extracurricular spaces...