
Thursday, April 10, 2008


Poor Mackenzie has been waiting for a month now for her loose tooth to fall out. Everyday it gets a bit more loose but is still not quite ready. The Dentist even gave her a fancy box to put her tooth in once she looses it but days later still no luck. She informed me that most everyone in her class has lost at least one tooth but her. Tyler did not loose his first tooth until he was in 2nd grade, so she's at least doing better than he was. I love how this somehow becomes my fault, But Mom why won't it come out? As if I am the one keeping it from falling out.... Hopefully by the end of Spring break she will be missing one of her front teeth, that would give her a reason to want to go back to school Monday...


jennie said...

Oh this is so cute! Gotta love that all our kids have to worry about is when a tooth will fall out! Summer still hasnt lost any and swears she's the only one in 1st grade with all her baby teeth. Be sure to post her"after" pic!

Lisa said...

How adorable!! No wonder Kendall was asking me all kinds of questions about why her baby teeth never wiggled before her big teeth come in! I love little kids with gaps, so cute. =)