
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend...

Summer is fast approaching FINALLY!!! We went camping at Poncho's Pond in Ludington over the weekend. This had been a long anticipated camping trip for the kids we started planning it when we got back from birch run in April ( we have to have something to look forward too.) Everyday for the past 2 weeks Hailey would ask are we going camping tomorrow, so needless to say they were very excited.. We wanted to try somewhere new and a little further away from home. A friend of ours had recommended poncho's. Beautiful park, we loved it. We reserved an extra night so that we could haul it Thursday night when there was less traffic and that way we could have it all set up so that when we got there Friday afternoon we could enjoy it. When we left Thursday night it was very warm and sunny here the further north we got it got cloudier and the temp was dropping, we were thinking great just our luck. By the time we had arrived the temp dropped 10 degrees. We get things all set up and took the kids to the indoor pool. We returned home and came back the following afternoon to perfect weather, sunny skies and very warm temps. In fact the kids were able to swim every afternoon in the outdoor pool for at least 2 hours, they had a blast. I would have to say that this was by far the best camping trip we we have had in a long time. Not because of the campground I mean we have fun when we camp at Silver Creek and Yogi but because it was the easiest with the kids, we were able to sit and relax without chasing kids, no crying fits, it was wonderful. Tyler had some friends that were camping there so he was out having a good time with them a lot of the time. He even slept over with them for a night. So we really got to concentrate on the girls which they loved. John took us on a 2 hour hike at the state park on Sunday morning which was fun but a lot of work. We did not realize all the hills that were involved. Poor John had to carry Hailey on a good portion of those hills. One of my favorite parts of the weekend was the camp fires. My girls fell asleep on each of us each night and John and I would sit and talk, something that we rarely get to do anymore with sports and with all the people in and out of my house every day with Daycare. It was so nice!! So here's to the start of warmer weather, sunny skies and making more memories with family!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Relay for Life 2009

Last weekend was the relay for life, Happy to announce that our team (Team Gavin) came in 3rd over all. I think our team raised over $5000, and total for the relay was over 50,000 which is amazing considering how the economy is right now. My kids and I put in about 5 miles that night. Which was not that bad considering how windy and cold the weather was. What a crappy Saturday for relay to fall on. We were literally outside all day and all evening. We were up early to make it to Isaac and Allisons soccer game, I had found out the night before that Kendall, Ryleigh and Aiden all played at the same time as the other two so I thought this will be perfect I catch a bit of each of their games all in the same day. After that we went to relay praying for the sun to pop out and possibly warm things up a bit, no such luck. My kids and John included could not not take the bitter cold, so we did a few laps and left for lunch and John and Ty went to baseball practice and the kids and I headed to Jr's birthday party which was also outside. By now I am just numb, the kids were fine because they were running around playing. After that back to relay we went, thankfully the wind finally calmed down later in the evening and once we started walking that helped us stay warm. Miss Hailey I was so proud of, she walked the whole time, I had Alex in the stroller so she had no choice but to walk and she did not complain once. She was the smart one, when we came back she wore her winter coat and hat. We did not make it to hear the reading of the names which disappointed me a bit but we were cold and tired. Kudos for all those who made it the entire night, it's a tough thing to do. Also to Mashawn for being the absolute strongest woman I know. Everyday I wonder how she does it, she has been through so much with Gavins illness and death and yet she still manages to roll out of bed everyday and often gives me comfort with all her stories about Gavin. I have always known that these kids with cancer are very special and God gives them special Moms to be there and care for them and Mashawn is no exception. The sacrifices she has made and the person she has become just inspires me every day that I see her. God brought them into my life and for that I will always be grateful and thankful and I am a better person for it.. Also thank you to those of you who donated money on my behalf, every bit counts!

Monday, May 18, 2009

what to do, what to do....

I had a meeting with Hailey's teacher and speech teacher and one of her teachers for next year this morning. It had been decided earlier in the school year that Hailey would attend morning kindergarten and the pals program in the afternoon. For those of you who don't know Hailey attends ECSE 4 half days a week, mainly for her speech, Tyler also had to take this class for his speech at 4 years old. It is a really great program for kids with special needs. Not that is a SLOW class let me clarify some kids need help with speech while others need help with fine motor skills and so on, I don't like to label kids. I remember putting Tyler in the class and one of my good friends said to me "but look at who he is with do you really want him in a class with kids like that". Hmm I did not quite know what to say to that, especially being a friend in all. I felt like gee's I hope not everyone perceives the classes like that. So from that point on I have always been a bit sensitive to responses I may get for those who care to voice their opinion. Anyway it helped Tyler with his speech and get a head start of the whole school transition. So when Hailey was struggling with speech I got her tested and welcomed the idea of her attending. The first half the school year she spoke to no one not even her teacher which surprised me she because she is the most talkative child I have. Well around February she finally started opening up a bit. Well because of her age and her progress her teacher decided that kindergarten was best and Pals in the afternoon, pals is a smaller group of kids that work on everything, speech,and everything you learn in kindergarten so it would be just more added help. Because of her speech difficulty she struggles with explaining herself or telling a story, pals will aim at her struggling areas and give her the extra help she needs. Well at kindergarten round up she was tested by the young fives teacher. The results are in, she spoke hardly nothing to her, and what she did speak she was very soft with her words. She did not answer questions that she knew the answers to because her teacher had gone over them with her. So based on the young fives teachers findings she recommends young fives which I am totally fine with my other two attended young fives because of their ages but Hailey just turned 5 which means she will always be the older one in her class, which in all honesty does not bother me but my fear is someday it may bother her. After talking with John he agrees with the teachers Hailey could use the extra time and help before kindergarten, I mean we would hate to see her struggle later in life and have to be held back or something in the future. I swear this is one of the harder things in raising kids, the regrets we may face later on for the choices we make now. My mind is trying to think logically but my heart often over takes my logic thinking. She's my baby so the whole school thing is such a struggle anyway. One teacher tells me that based on her findings she is totally ready for kindergarten and then the young 5's teacher tells me she is not. The decision is mine. I have great respect for each of these teachers, but ultimately its my daughter. I do not want her to struggle, I am sure I am going to go with young fives because Miss Claus has never steered me wrong before but I just need a bit of time to be sure.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Hailey

Friday, May 8, 2009

Early Mothers Day card

So I received a very special Mother's Day card today from Miss Alli. This one is definitely a keeper, something that I am going to tuck away and show her someday later in life. I can't tell you how many pictures this girl has made me over the years, I think I have received as much stuff from her as I do from my own kids. She loves to draw and she is really good at it. I love how she sounded out my name. Also the three girls at the bottom are as follows: Mackenzie, Alli and Me, Too stinkin cute, So thank you Alli, you have no idea how much wonderful that made me feel after the week I have had. Also not to leave Isaac and Ash out they also gave me a very nice card and signed their names to it, Thank you TenBrink family for thinking of me as a second Mom. Love you all!!