
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Wednesday Bitch!

So this week is proving to be vey stressful. Bad things usually happen to us on weekends, or Mondays , well now they are hitting us on Tuesday's and Wednesdays. Yesterday I go to plug in my straightner and it is completley dead. Now I have one of those fancy straightners that you order off TV not the $40 ones you can buy at Meijers. It was very expensive, I purchased it back in August and told John it would be my birthday and anniversary gift. I had to have it. It has not even been 6 months yet and it is already broke. Luckily I bought the protection plan. It's fully covered but it is going to take forever to get back because I have to send the broken one in and they can try to repair it or send me a new one. This could take weeks people... So I finally get over my selfish moment and see that it's not the end of the world, its only hair. It just burns me that when you spend more money on something it should last you a bit longer than the cheap ones. So I am over that and I get the kids off the bus and Hailey casually informs me that she pooped her pants at school, I'm looking at her she is in the same pants I sent her in. I bend down to make sure I heard her correctly and then I could smell it. Are you kidding me??? So I take her in my bathroom, throw her underwear away, and start asking her ???. She then tells me that she pooped when they were painting. She said she went in the bathroom but a boy in her class kept turning the light off while she was in there, so she got scared and came out. Unable to hold it any longer she pooped her pants. So this poor girl sat with a huge terd in her underwear for god only knows how long and rode home on the bus like this. Never once telling anyone. If that would have been Ty or Kenzie they would have been crying and thinking the world was coming to an end. I started putting the puzzle together, poor Hailey has been having issues about school for about a week now. She never wants to go and each day her fits get worse. I asked her more ??? She told me that this boy picks on her constantly along with another girl. First off I can't believe that Hailey actually puts up with this. She is the kind of chick that usually takes nothing from no one. I guess thats what being in a different environment will do to you. So I called her teacher and left a message and still have not heard anything back. I will give her until this afternoon then I will call again I guess. I had to drag her in the bus kicking and screaming once again this morning. It's the most awful feeling making your kid get on the bus when you know that they don't want to go. One more thing to add to my list's of bitches today, our furnance once again is not working, we woke up to a freezing house. Are you kidding me? Has it even been a month? The repair man is coming this afternoon, so thats when I will find out how much it is going to cost this time... So now I am taking a deep breath, thanking God for all my blessing, these problems are just minor I must tell myself that even when I'm frustrated I must remember it could be MUCH worse. I am going to try to stay positive and make the best of my freezing house because at least I have one...


Jodi said...

It isn't even Monday...

That was three, though, right? Bad things happen in threes so I guess you can rest {??} knowing the worst is done. I'm sure the teacher will call. Hey, how about just emailing her. I think messages don't get checked until the end of the day. You may have better luck with email...I always have.

Our furnace went out our first winter in our house...and it couldn't be fixed {without buying a new one} for 2 weeks. I certainly feel for you. I have tons of extra blankets if you need them :)

I hate straigheners. I, too, use one every day {ironic since I have stick straight hair already} and I always buy Hot tools which are expensive and they always break. I bought my last one through a salon and that damn thing has to be banged on every single day in order for me to get it to turn on! Girl, I could go on and on...

My thoughts are with you today. maybe you need a drink. If you take sips, I won't tell if you start now. ;)

jennie said...

for real, a little rum in your coke wouldnt hurt anyone;)

dont feel bad about bitching, these are all worthy of being upset over.

I am mostly sorry for what is going on with Hailey. How aweful the mornings must be for you. Especially because I know what it feels like to swing from being irritated and annoyed to so sad about feeling responsible for your childs misery. I would for sure be talking to that teacher. That poor baby. I would want to be kicking some preschool boys butts too!
Hang in there, learn a new hair style;) And stay warm.

Mandy said...

Oh Shelly I feel your pain! I feel so bad for Hailey! I really hope that teacher calls you back, she is so young to be having "issues" at school! Poor girl!
Thank goodness you got the protection plan for your Straightener, they should just send you another, what is the point of trying to fix it..Bastards!! You pay the extra money just send a new one!!

I hope it is just something simple and easy with your furnace. I am sure it is!

I love your title Wednesday really should be a weekly thing for everyone! I LOVE IT!@

Lea said...

Oh no!! How awful for Hailey! I had no idea she was having issues with not wanting to go to school!! And you're right...I would think Hailey would NOT tolerate being picked on!!

Sit back...take a deep breath and try to relax. You are right - there are plenty of other awful things in this world. You have a wonderful weekend planned with your family so take some of that time to de-stress!
(And here I was thinking my boys were doing something awful at your house to upset you!!!)

Hang in there...

Kristin said...

When it rains it pours for you, doesn't it? I am so sorry to hear about Hailey. I hope you got everything worked out with her teacher. I agree, she is way to young to be hating school already. Hopefully, this will get taken care of and all will be well. It does surprise me that she lets someone "bully" her...she seems to "dominant" for that. Poor Hailey!!!
Hope the heat is on soon. From the say you are having I think there is enough heat coming off from you that you can keep the house warm. Thank God the Chaos kids are home today. I know they would have made your day worse:)!

Theresa said...

I feel so sorry for you little Hailey! and if that Teacher doesn't call back I would so be calling the principal! or a "HIGHER-UP"!

I also have great contact with my kids teachers through email! give that one a shot too!

HOpe your week goes better for ya!
Hang in there!