
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Catching Up!

So our Thanksgiving went great, this was the first year in a long time that I can remember not cooking. John usually insists on me cooking so he can stay home and watch football and we are guaranteed left overs. This year on account of my Gradma being alone I thought it might be a good idea for her to have all of us over her house and she could do the cooking since it is something she really enjoys. Plus the Lions are really sucking this year so John did not really care where he watched them. I must say I still feel strange walking into my Grandma's house knowing that I am never going to see my Grandpa sitting in his chair again. I just does not feel right. In fact Thanksgiving was the first time that I have been able to sit in his favorite chair, some how it brought comfort to me rocking Emma in it. For that feeling I am so Thankful.. Before heading over there we took our Christmas picture for our Christmas card, what a joy that always is. Hailey has had this dry bloody nose for about a week now and it looks like there is a sore in it, well I had cleaned it out before the picture and made it bleed alittle. (Stupid on my part.) I really did not think you could see the red when we were taking the pictures but then when I loaded them into my computer I wanted to cry every picture you could see her red nostril. By this time it is the next day and I was in no mood for any more pictures, so luckily John found a program to take it out. So hopefully you won't be able to tell on our Christmas cards. Thanksgiving night we headed to Johns Mom, after a few hours of the kids visiting with everyone I had to bring them to my Moms for the night, because John and I were staying the night at his Moms in order to get up early shopping. We did not go to bed until after midnight and got up around 3am. Not enough sleep for me but i was excited to get to the stores so at that time it was not bothering me. We headed to the Walmart in Fremont, my mother in law had said that she had gone there last year and it was not really that busy. So we get there after 3:30 am and the parking lot does not look to bad, but buy 4:30 it had turned crazy. Luckily John had come alone because I needed him to stand in a line for me. I left him in the toys secton along with my sister in law, their mission was to get a certain toy for my nephew and High school musical 3 dolls. My poor sister in law probably took the most abuse getting the dolls, she said people were acting so crazy. I went for the PJ's for $4. I thought no one should be to crazy in that area. Boy was I ever wrong, I encountered some of the most craziest women in that isle. In the end I got everything I wanted but it was an experience. After that we hit all the other stores in Muskegon. I was so tired by noon, but it was so worth it because of all the money I saved, I will be doing it again next year thats for sure. We had a few good laughs along the way too and memories like that are priceless. By the time I got home my Mom was more than ready to send the kids home she had all five kids over night, taken them to Chens for lunch and to Pamida (CRAZY LADY). So she dropped them off and I felt so bad I went to bed I could not stay awake, John had fallen asleep on the couch so our kids were basically taking care of each other for a few hours. It took me until Saturday to feel normal again. I don't do well on little sleep. So I am almost done with my shopping I have never been done this early it almost does not feel right.


jennie said...

You are right, the money saved is so worth it! Rachael and I have really good memories from Black Friday shopping over the last couple years. ya just end up getting kinda goofy from the lack of sleep and just the craziness. I am done shopping but you are right, it never feels right. Like I need to get more, which I do NOT. Trying to focus on other stuff. Like wrapping them:)

jennie said...

Oh BTW- Walmart still has tons of the $4 PJs(the one on Henry street) if anyone is still interested. I got my kids all matching Sponge Bob ones yesterday =]

Theresa said...

WONDERFUL time!!! I got the $4 jammies too! but I need to return a few things so Maybe I'll pick up a few more!

Lisa said...

Whew!! Is that all you've been up too? ;) Glad to hear you got some good deals shopping. I would of so been there if I hadn't had to work Friday night. I will have to check out the 4$ Pj's at the Henry Walmart. I didn't see any at the Sherman one on Sat. morning. What a deal!

Lea said...

OMG girl!! That's insane! I don't leave the house until around 6am and hit the stores just before 7. I don't really encouter a ton of lines or crazy people and fortunately, I've been able to get everything I wanted. Now, as the boys get older and realize what electronics are - that may be another story!!
I'm glad you enjoyed the time with're so fortunate to have a mother-in-law you can do that stuff with!!

Kristin said...

I am going to live through you. I love a sale with the best of them, but crazy people and Kristin with little sleep combination could be deadly...
I am glad that you are enjoying your holiday season. Keep up the "good work" finding deals and let me in on them:)!

Jennifer Witham Buck / Graceful Expressions said...

Love the pictures - so adorable!
Wow... sounds like you had some fun last Friday. I just don't get why people have to act like that...
thanks for sharing the beautiful pics! have a good weekend!