
Thursday, November 22, 2007

My Life/ Happy Thanksgiving.......

It's Thanksgiving night and we just got home from our traditional Thanksgiving movie. This year we watched Fred Clause. Pretty funny movie. Hailey slept through the entire movie, which means no sleep for her and I tonight. I made our usual Thanksgiving dinner and as usual my Sister Steph sat and watched. Oh I take that back she opened the green beans and corn for me, big helper just kidding Sis. Anyway all went well. I must confess I woke up a bit grumpy this morning. John woke me up to get the turkey in this year he even helped, and I was kinda grumpy to him. I felt bad and apologized later, I think that is has to do with still feeling a bit angry about Todd being gone. I layed in bed watching Good Morning America they had there Thanksgiving special on which consists of families being reunited with their loved ones from Iraq. Don't get me wrong it's a good thing. As I watch tears are just streaming down my face, so happy for these families. There were these little girls who had not seen their Dad in 10 months and he was home on leave. He surprised them at school. It was wonderful. I just can't help to feel sad for Emma and Steph and everyone else who has lost a loved one to this war. All the families that can't be with their loved one's on the holidays and those of us who will never spend another holiday with ours. It's still so hard for me to understand. I watched my kids play with their cousins today, laughing and chasing each other. For that I am so thankful. But a part of my heart still hurts almost like it still can't be real. So on this Thanksgiving I still have so much to be thankful for, good friends, my kids, all our families, but I still remember and I will never forget the Solider that sacrificed the ultimate for his Country. I thank all the Soldiers and their families. God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving.