
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Almost there...

Well I am on the home stretch of this license business, well lets pray they find nothing major (expensive) that I have to do... I cant believe that it has not even been a month since I received my letter. I remember feeling so hopeless and helpless at the beginning of this whole process and although I still have my doubts my confidence is building with each new day. I feel like I am up for the challenge. I had my class on Thursday in Grand Rapids, which was very informative and helpful. Now all I have is my CPR stuff this weekend and I will be calling my consultant Monday to schedule my inspection. I did have a very strange thing happen to me on Wednesday though, I have been praying this past month for closure because I cant help but wonder who turned me in. This whole time in the back of my mind I was thinking I knew who this person was and I had been trying to make her feel guilty basically trying to see if she would come clean with me. On Wednesday I got this letter about my so called "investigation" and basically it was saying that my case was closed because I am in full compliance. Great news but at the bottom of this 3 page letter it had my name, address BUT not my phone number. I showed my sister and she joked maybe it was the person who turned me in phone number. I thought no way would they make a mistake like that. I googled it in and to my surprise it was another Daycare in my neighborhood phone number. One of the same people who offered their help to me after all this happened. Her son and my son go to school together. Now coincidence that her number just happened to be on there, I think not, lets think about this. In order to write me this letter they had to pull my report up which in turn would state who turned in me and their info. I firmly believe this was Gods way of giving me my closure. This couple probably never told a sole that they had done this, I mean we have a ton of mutual friends, they thought I could never find out if they never told. I guess it goes to show you the power of prayer. I could not let it rest, my feelings have been so crushed. But now that I know I feel like I can move forward. She and her husband as of today are still on my facebook page I want them to know I know. I thought maybe she would have the guts to email me or call and explain. The funny thing is back when I told her what had happened to me I would have respected her if she would have owned it then, at least give me your reasons why she did it, wether it be because she thought if she had to follow the rules then so should I. I would have been upset but believe it or not I would have felt better knowing the truth. My honest opinion is that she was just jealous, I heard she had been losing kids and she is (for now) a friend on my facebook page she probably did not like seeing all the stuff John and I are able to do with are kids. Jealously can make people do evil things. She also probably seen all the nice comments my friends leave me for watching their kids. Little did she know I do not make a ton of money, I watch a lot of family in which I do not get paid for and all these other kids they only come once or twice a week. Now thanks to her I cant watch my nephews anymore due to the fact I have to get paid. Try looking at my sweet nephew Jrs eyes and tell him why he cant stay with his Auntie anymore. Shame on her in my eyes. I was helping family and friends at a very low cost. But I believe that everything happens for a reason and God used her evil as a tool to bless my family. In the long run we are better for it. Just getting there is the hardest part. But Im doing it, as much as change causes me anxiety I am pushing my way through all of it. Im stronger for it.


JT said...

That is so awful! Very good of you though, to be so positive through this all! That shows great character : )

Lea said...

You are right girl - shame on them! You have done an ENORMOUS amount of good things for people and have enriched their lives. I applaud you for looking at the positive side of things and for letting it all work out as God planned. He will only lead you to good things and I know you believe that.
I respect what you do for a living. It takes a special person to care for and LOVE others children the way you (and John) do. I'm so blessed to have you in my life as my sitter but even more blessed to be able to call you the sister I never had!!

Angie said...

So happy you have closure Shelly! WHO was it though!! :)

Mandy said...

Good for you Shelly! Glad you have some closure!!

jennie said...

That is the weirdest thing ever! But I do believe in the long run, you will have lots of success with having your own business. Get through the changes, work out all the kinks, put this woman behind you. She put herself in this position, she deserves the humilation for not minding her own business. The best revenge is that she will see you business thrive despite her best attempts at hurting you.
Wishing you the best! So proud of the way you handled it all!!

Lee said...

Good for you, Shelly...what goes round, comes round so the saying goes!

You'll be fine.

Nice to see you again! I've had along sabbatical from blogging but took up fingers to the keyboard again this week!