
Monday, October 20, 2008

A Daddy and Daughter

After a crazy morning of trying to catch up on laundry, dirty dishes, and cleaning the cat litter boxes I was in a pretty frustrated mood, especially when my husband was on the computer putting songs on his i pod all morning. We skipped church because I have had this incredible headache all weekend long and I think Chuck E Cheese had not helped it the night before. I caught myself huffing and puffing every time I would walk by John on the computer, I kept thinking it must be nice sitting on your butt while I am busting mine. Mackenzie decides that she wants to listen to music out in the family room while I am loading the dish washer, not something in all honesty appreciated considering my headache but I said nothing and went about my business. She gets to the song "My little Girl" and I see her take off out of the corner of my eye.. She heads right for John and pulls him right up out of the chair and wants to dance with him. At this point all my crankiness just disappears and John is once again #1 in my book. How wonderful it must be for Mackenzie to just feel so comfortable with her Dad that she can go up to him at any time to snuggle and ask for a dance, I have only longed for that type of relationship with my Dad. Hailey feeling a bit left out headed for Daddy's arms also and Mom grabbed the camera. John whispered to me "I am so lucky" I whispered back, "our girls are the lucky ones".


Lisa said...

Oh that is so sweet, I have tears in my eyes! John is such an amazing Dad. That picture is worth a thousand words... such love in his eyes

Kristin said...

I too, have tears in my eyes. What a great moment for you all to share. ALL of you are the LUCKY ones. A real love like that is such a wonderful thing. John is a great Dad and the girls are lucky to have him as a dad and role model for a future husband.

Don't worry Mom, they love you too:)!

jennie said...

How fantastic to get pulled out of a funk in an instant. That photo will mean so much to you all as the girls grow up. What a special ordinary moment.

Anonymous said...

You know all too well that I, like you, longed for a relationship like that with my dad. It certainly is a wonderful things both of your girls are and always will be "dadd's little girl". Tom may never experience that so he'll continue living to cherish your girls as family.

Jennifer Witham Buck / Graceful Expressions said...

Hi Shelly, I can only hope that one day when we have kids, we will have these moments! So wonderful that you caught this on film. Your girls will treasure it forever!

BTW - thanks for you post, you and everyone else are so right. Thanks for the advice, and there are no worries. It was just a bad time when things just kind of piled up.. thanks for being there : )

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