
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The most wonderful friend...

So I get on MySpace tonight and I see that Lea posted a new blog. Yes Lea blogs but only on MySpace I have tried talking her into joining blogger world because she is a terrific writer, but she insists that MySpace works just fine for her. Anyway little did I know that I would be reading about ME. All I can say is that I am speechless and very emotional, I am so LUCKY to have someone like her in my life. Lea, you made me feel so important and loved. Hope you don't mind I did a bit of copying and pasting. Thanks for being YOU, Love you too!!!!

Happy Birthday Dear Friend(s)
Current mood: blessed

I happen to know of SO many people who have October birthdays (me being one of them). I can't help but feel this overwhelming urge to tell you about a few of the awesome, dear friends I am blessed with who share an October birthday month.

Today, I'm taking the opportunity to share one of my closest friends with you: Shelly. Most of my fellow myspace friends also know Shelly but I'm not certain everyone knows the story about how we met or why our relationship has stood so strong and steadfast over the years.

Flashback to 5th grade - Whitehall Middle School. There I was, in class and in walks this cute, dark haired, dark eyed, petite girl sporting the biggest dimples I've ever seen! (Ok, she was also wearing some pretty big glasses too, but in her defense, they were the coolest things for that time.) I'll never forget the outfit she was wearing: a matching shirt and pants that were both made out of sweater like material, with a pattern that somewhat resembled a bumble bee. I know this may sound strange, but come on - it was the 80's!! And in all honesty, she really pulled it off!! Little did I know that her warm smile and friendly hello to me, was the starting of a lifetime friendship.

It was in that class I discovered so much about her. During Project CHARLIE I learned she was a bit more shy that I realized. She INSISTED I put on the board she liked hearts so she knew which one was her when she came back into the room. (Guess you had to be there to completely understand this one.) Also during this class was when she sought out my advice on whether or not she should kiss a certain boy who was asking (for saving embarassment, I won't mention any names). ;-)

It was her I turned to for boy advice since she always seem to have the right answer. It was her I shared my fears with, my dreams with and even band class with. Yes - band. Boy - those were some fun times!! (NOT!) I believe it was Shelly and I always competing for last chair! HA! We did have fun teasing Mark and Vernonell - oh and Gene, the only guy who played flute. I'll never forget the one band concert everyone was teasing me insisting I called Mark just before and sang him "I Just Called to say I Love You". To this day, I have no clue where that came from or just who made that call. To clear the air - it was NOT me!) By the way - those band sweaters were SO cool!!! (Not!!)

Fast forward to freshman year. Wow! What a change! High school!! That summer, Shelly decided to stay in band ( I basically ditched her, sorry girl). She failed the first semester because she didn't attend summer band camp. That being the whole reason I didn't stay in band - camp was held at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp that summer. Since I grew up there, there was NO WAY I was going to attend band camp there. (If I only knew about "American Pie" back then!) Thank God Shelly did stay in band because through her being in band, I was able to met Tom.

We shared many good memories throughout high school. Who to date, where to hang out, drama class, Everyday Living class with wearing of the empathy belly (easy A) and who would drive to school (mainly me). During these years, I spent a great deal of time at her house and with her family. Doing so, I always felt more than welcome and I became part of her family. I watched Steph go through her "Darlene" phase and helping to tighten her back brace. I watched little Katie get blisters on her thumbs from playing Mario Brothers on the original Nintendo and twist her hair into tangled messes. We were able to ask her mom any sex question we could think of, and she would give us answers. We talked about how Uncle Jer was so cool - and SO hot!! We had Mary Kay parties at her house, went for walks with boys and had numerous sleepovers. We shared dances and she didn't even yell at me when I splashed steak sauce on the collar of her dress! (I'm still sorry about that...)

We graduate and she ends out in Norton Shores. By this time, she met a "cute guy who drove a Beretta" (that's how she first described John to me) and they get married. They have a beautiful baby boy and I still visit her fairly regularly and we take baby Tyler to eat at Subway. John was working nights and Tom was working a 2nd job at the local hobby store.

In 2000, Tom and I are getting married and we ask both her and John to be in our wedding. She was pregnant with her beautiful daughter Mackenzie and she is supposed to be taking it easy and keeping her feet up. So here it is, my big day and I'm following her around with a folding chair reminding her she is supposed to be "taking it easy". Well, she is more worried about me having a wonderful day. She ends up standing outside freezing during our ceremony, dancing for the bridal dance (even though I encouraged her not to) and making my day all the more memorable because she and John shared it with us.

Shortly after, we were looking to buy a house. There just happened to be one for sale right next door to John and Shelly. Of course I was hesitant to take a look at it - how in the WORLD would Shelly feel if we move in next door?? I should have known she was MORE than thrilled and even was the one to suggest it to us. A few months later we move in and we couldn't have made a better choice for neighbors. We hung out pretty regularly at their house with other couples and their kids (Tom and I were still childless at this point). Shelly was always having get togethers and since John is a big kid himself, he had all the newest gaming systems and a great TV to play them on.

Shelly was the 2nd person I told I was expecting my first baby. She never missed a beat when she offered to watch him for us! Wow - how great that turned out to be! A sitter directly next door who is already considered family. I couldn't have prayed for a better place for our boys to spend their days.

Here it is, 20 years later, and we are still "family". I seriously do not think our kids have the slighest clue they really are not related! And I couldn't ask for it to be any other way! Her mom is my boys "nanny", her grandma is "grandma" and her entire family treats us wonderfully and includes us in EVERTHING!! I know there are MANY other things I am not including in this...but what I've shared are some of the highlights.

My point here is, Shelly is the most wonderful, caring, considerate person to everyone she meets. She has treated us and welcomed us like family and that is something not a lot of people can say. She is a therapist, mom, aunt, sister, wife, sitter, writer, and coach. But most important to me, she is my friend...and a "sister" by choice!!

Love you girl!!
Happy deserve the very best year yet!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Daddy and Daughter

After a crazy morning of trying to catch up on laundry, dirty dishes, and cleaning the cat litter boxes I was in a pretty frustrated mood, especially when my husband was on the computer putting songs on his i pod all morning. We skipped church because I have had this incredible headache all weekend long and I think Chuck E Cheese had not helped it the night before. I caught myself huffing and puffing every time I would walk by John on the computer, I kept thinking it must be nice sitting on your butt while I am busting mine. Mackenzie decides that she wants to listen to music out in the family room while I am loading the dish washer, not something in all honesty appreciated considering my headache but I said nothing and went about my business. She gets to the song "My little Girl" and I see her take off out of the corner of my eye.. She heads right for John and pulls him right up out of the chair and wants to dance with him. At this point all my crankiness just disappears and John is once again #1 in my book. How wonderful it must be for Mackenzie to just feel so comfortable with her Dad that she can go up to him at any time to snuggle and ask for a dance, I have only longed for that type of relationship with my Dad. Hailey feeling a bit left out headed for Daddy's arms also and Mom grabbed the camera. John whispered to me "I am so lucky" I whispered back, "our girls are the lucky ones".

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy 8th Birthday Mackenzie

My little Kenzie - Lou is 8 years old. I remember the day I found out I was having a girl, Daddy and I went to Target and bought you your first pink outfit. I cherished every minute of my pregnancy with you, I call you my special child. After three miscarriages I thought it was a great possibility that Tyler was going to be an only child, now I see that God was just waiting for you to be my daughter. You came into this world 9 days early so I should have known that you were going to be an impatient, testy little girl. I have cherished everything about you, the way your doll blankets would have to be laid out perfect on the floor with no wrinkles, or your pants would have to be pulled up just perfect, along with your socks. I remember the way you pinched the top of my hand while I used to nurse you. I remember like it was yesterday you sitting on your potty chair( with only socks on) watching Barney. You were such a little Mommy to all the day care kids, I remember your twin dolls aka Allison and Isaac. Now you have become a school teacher to all of them. As soon as the bus pulls up all the kids run to greet you at the door waiting for you to play school with them. I love that you are so spiritual at your age, the people and things you pray for and how you take notes in church, so you can ask me about it later. Honestly I know no other girl like you. You are such a blessing Mackenzie. Happy 8th Birthday, Mommy loves you!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Learning something new...

I am attempting a new hobby. And I stress ATTEMPTING.... My mother in law makes beautiful cabbage patch clothes, she not only makes them for the girls she has a store on Ebay. She is very talented, she follows no patterns and the quality of her clothes is outstanding I am very jealous. I asked her if she could teach me how to sew, she was very excited to say the least and even let me borrow one of her sewing machines to bring home and practice. So today was my first lesson. Not as easy as one would think. I am totally dumb when it comes to stuff like this, I always walk by all the fabric and think "oh I wish I could sew and make something for someone" but never did I consider all that is involved. So after about an hour in a half of learning to thread the machine and needle, I was off, I soon realized I can't sew in a straight line to save my life and pushing a petal and sometimes a separate lever and guiding fabric all at the same time is not easy for me to do. The whole process is a bit overwhelming to me, but I am determined to learn. I think I may even purchase the book sewing for dummies, because I really need to learn more basics. Luckily for me my teacher is very patient. I am going to practice at home this week with just feeling more comfortable with the machine and get a better feel for it, then with my mother in laws help I will try to tackle a pattern, maybe pajamas for the girls or a purse. Wish me luck and who knows maybe I will actually get good at it and I will be able to make some extra special Christmas gifts for everyone. You should check out my mother in laws Ebay store to see her work, Hailey's picture is even on it. If you go to Ebay's home page hit the advanced search button and type in crawford176 in the sellers spot. She has the cutest doll clothes..

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I realize that I have not been blogging as much lately, I call this my quiet time, I go through these times when I get kinda stumped with what to write about. I have lots to say but not sure how to put it into the right words. My life is still the same busy life but for some reason this time of year (maybe it's the fact that I will be turning 32 in a few weeks) kinda gets me thinking. I am really missing my Grandpa right now, his birthday is the 12th of this month he would have been 74. Crazy to think that a year ago he was here with us and now I am missing the sound of his voice, I can only imagine what my Grandma must feel like. There is this empty space at sporting events, my kids birthdays and I sure it will be the same at the upcoming Holidays. We celebrated Emma's 2nd birthday Sunday. Last year on her birthday we were all still in a bit of shock from losing her father, and I just realized recently that the last picture that I took of my Grandpa was at Emma's 1st birthday last year. The picture was of John and him and it was a really good one. Shortly after that he became ill and we learned that his cancer had come back. He never made it to Mackenzie's party that year he was to sick. Little did I know, a few months later he would be gone. If someone would have predicted two years ago that I would have lost my brother in law and my Grandpa all in the same year I would have thought no way possible, but life is fragile as many of us are learning with age. We have our good times, but we also must endure the bad. I have gained a brother in law (Rich), a sister in law (Margie), a nephew (Alex), I am learning with age to treasure the good, because you never know whats around the corner. My sister Katie just informed me that I am going to be an Aunt yet again. Her and Rich are expecting and could not be any happier. Congrats to the both of you. The same day Katie starts spreading her news they learn that Rich's mom has Cancer. Katie's first OB appointment falls on the first day of Becky's chemo. Please keep Rich's Mom and family in your prayers. Katie also learned her due date yesterday, she is due June 11th, which is Todd's birthday, life can be a bit strange huh? Speaking of Todd, his sister and her three beautiful kids attended Emma's birthday, her youngest son Kevin looks identical to Todd. It's a bit overwhelming to see so much of Todd in him. I am so grateful that I have become closer to God, because if there is one thing I am sure of, there are reasons for all this good and bad in our lives we may not see them now but they are there. So when you feel stressed about money, gas prices and all the other economic crap, take a breath and look around, it is written all in our children's faces especially in their smiles. I am learning that life is not about what you have but who you help and who you are there for. A saying that I heard in church Sunday. P.U.S.H it means Pray Until Something Happens. Be thankful for today, I know I am!!!