
Thursday, July 3, 2008

Just My Luck....

Wouldn't you know I have been working so hard on my darn flowers and a terrible storm blows through Lakewood club and floods my driveway and yard. Wednesday afternoon I knew there was a chance for severe weather, so when it started getting dark outside I rounded all the kids up and did I mention I was starting to feel ill. John had ran a slight temp and felt horrible the day before and wouldn't you know I caught it the very next day. So here I am starting to feel weak and miserable trying to get a bunch of wild kids back inside and all they want to do is play outside. First came the thunder and lightning then the rain. Or should I say down pour. Then the hail came and not just a tiny bit of hail, it must have hailed a good 10 minutes here. Just enough time to rip up most of my hostas, the kids were going crazy with all the noise. I kept having to keep them away from the windows because all they wanted to do was watch the storm. What really got me was when I looked out the door and seen half of a bag of mulch floating down my driveway. My flowers by my door were completely under water. All I could think of was all my hard work under all that water. The night before I had just put fresh mulch around a few areas, now it was all under water floating around my yard. The mulch I had on the side of my house somehow made it to the front of my house. Every flower looked like shit, thats the only word I can use to describe it. My mother in law came over after work to inspect the damage because of course I called her in a panic. So here I am running a temp, trying to clean mulch up all over my yard. I am thinking can I be anymore obsessed over these flowers? To make myself feel better my mother and law and I went to Weesies and got us both some new flowers and the good news some of the other ones are starting to perk back up. I know I am officially a flower freak.


Anonymous said...

Oh girl! I knew it rained hard, but of course, when I'm stuck in an office all day, I can't exactly see the extent of the damage. You're flowers still look beautiful and will come around with time. Some of our huge potted plants outside now look like Edward Scissor Hands tore through them! The leaves are literally shredded!!

jennie said...

Hope you could salvage most of your hard work. At least you got some fun new stuff to add to your gardens! But I guess thats just how it is when you care for plants. I have lost a lot this year to the freakin rabbits and chipmunks. And we just planted our sunflower sprouts and we'll be lucky to keep a third of them.But I still think its worth it and I think you will too. I'm glad your a "flower freak" Its way better than if you were a tattoo freak;)

Lisa said...

That was one heck of a storm we got! You know it had to be bad to wake me up out of my coma enough to call you to make sure there wasn't a tornado comming!! LOL