
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Boy's Health Class

You know that you are getting old when your son comes home with his first health class pamphlet. A few weeks ago Tyler brought home a permission slip to take a health class, I figured if they needed permission that it must be pretty important, so I sign it and never really mention it to him. He came home on Monday all red in the face holding this book. The first thing out of his mouth was Mom they made us all say puberty and penis. I'm like wow slow down here, I look through the pamphlet and I am instantly embarrassed I was like Tyler go talk to your Dad. They had a diagram of the boy parts, and me never growing up with brothers I am just so unsure how to talk to him about that. He then tells me and I quote " Oh Mom you know when I tell you it is standing up, thats called an erection". I about crawled under the couch, he really thought I had no idea. And to those of you who don't know the story behind "it's standing up" when Tyler was about 5 or 6 we were in Sam's Club shopping and he starts jumping around saying Mommy it's standing up, what do I do?? I wanted to laugh and cry all at the same time, was this normal I wondered at his age? I even asked the doctor who once again thought I was crazy, yes that is very normal he reassured me. But still how do you talk to your son about these things? I can't believe that they are teaching about this stuff in 4th grade he is still a baby to me. I am so not ready for this.....


Lisa said...

Oh Shelly I laughed so hard reading this my stomach hurts! I can totally see Tyler explaining the workings of the male body to you with his red face and all!! Oh the joys of our babies getting older!

Mandy said...

oh Shelly!!! This is too funny!! I think I will be coming to you in a few years for advice when my son comes home withe "THE BOOK"!! Good luck!! ahahha

Jodi said...

Oh yeah, we've had this discussion as well. The funny thing is, these boys are all saying they don't want to take the class, but we all know they are curious and they all really do want to take the class-they just don't want their friends and parents to know!! Caleb's line used to be, "Momma, my peepee's goin' crazy!" He'd kill me right now for sharing that! They are definitely growing up!

Lisa said...

Oh man that had me laughing so hard!! I can so see Tyler explaining the happenings of the male body to you, red face and all! LOL!!

JT said...

I thought the same thing... I 'bout fell over when Caleb said the word ejaculation! And then talking about wet dreams... are you kidding?!